DFTO – Direct Fired Thermal Oxidizer

In addition to RETOX RTO Thermal Oxidizers for low LEL Solvent VOCs, Adwest provides DFTO-Direct Fired Thermal Oxidizer and DFCO-Direct Fired Catalytic Oxidizers for high and rich LEL process applications. Most Direct Fired DFTOs provide 1.0 seconds and greater retention time with turbulent flow and mixing for 99%+ VOC DRE efficiencies at 1400 degrees F and great oxidation Temperatures. (600-750 F for DFCO Oxidation with catalyst bed)

Adwest DFTO and DFCO Oxidizers are low profile, skid mounted design with most units pre-piped and wired, internally shop insulated with the control panel mounted on the DFTO and DFCO skid. Point source DFTOs start at 1,000 scfm and can be custom designed to over 60,000 scfm flow rates. The DFTO Thermal oxidizer Bruner System can utilize natural gas, propane, butane, biogas and even hydrogen as fuel sources. DFTOs typically provide fast cold startup times and are well suited for high VOC Streams on batch process applications.

DFTOs also provide excellent odor abatement for malodorous and high Btu processes with long chain aldehyde and hydrocarbon components. Both DFTO and DFCOs also provide a cost-effective backup to existing oxidizer systems on processes that need to operate 24/7/365 and have an emergency backup.


  • 1.0 seconds and greater retention time with turbulent flow and mixing for 99%+ VOC DRE efficiencies
  • Utilize natural gas, propane, butane, biogas and even hydrogen as fuel sources
  • Provide excellent odor abatement for malodorous and high Btu processes with long chain aldehyde and hydrocarbon components
  • Cost-effective backup to existing oxidizer systems
CECO Environmental


  • Chemical processing
  • Asphalt
  • Pharmaceuticals
  • Roasters
  • Food processing
  • Biogas
  • Landfill gas treatment
  • SVE-Spoil Vapor Extraction
  • Batch Reactors
  • Paint burn-off ovens
  • Aerospace
  • Composites
  • Coating Ovens
  • Fragrance & cosmetics manufacturing