Inline Diffusers and Spargers

Inline diffusers are very similar to the inlet diffusers of our vent silencer range of products, except they are located inside the piping network. Located downstream of a control valve, it will help in reducing the pipe noise and to achieve the required process pressure drop control. Spargers and Dump Tubes are used for steam expansion of by-pass turbine upstream the steam condenser in combined cycle gas turbine power plant and biomass power plant.

Typically, these need to be designed for liquid entrained gas flows which is very high demanding for the diffuser due to the erosion caused by the high velocity of the droplets.


  • Compact size for horizontal or vertical installation
  • Mechanical design and manufacturing as per ASME B31.1 or other international codes
  • PED 14/68/EU compliance whenever applicable
  • High acoustic performance
  • Guaranteed pressure drop
  • Vibration and solid-born noise control